After your baby arrives, consider a massage.

Benefits of Postnatal Massage can include muscle relaxation, increased circulation, lowering of stress hormones and better sleep. It also may help with discomfort in the shoulders, arms and neck from breastfeeding.

You may start receiving Postnatal Massage therapy as soon as you feel comfortable. If you have maternal complications, consult with your doctor before making an appointment.

Your baby may be present during the massage and you are welcome to breastfeed at any time during the treatment.

The long-term goal of Postnatal Massage is to get your body back where it was before pregnancy. This may take more than one session as we shift from addressing aches and pains to concentrating on the hips and then the abdominal region. 

After nine months of changes, culminating in giving birth, all your body systems will appreciate these treatments. Do let me know if your abdomen or breasts are sore. And if you have maternal complications, consult with your doctor before scheduling a massage.


Postnatal Massage can help:

  • relax muscles
  • increase circulation
  • lower stress hormones
  • decrease swelling
  • promote better sleep
  • make breastfeeding more comfortable